Thursday, 10 October 2013

4. Prelim Task- The Date Room

For our Prelim task we had to create a short video that showed that we understood Match-on-action, shot/reverse shot and the 180 degree rule. We also had to make sure that we had someone entering a room, sitting down and sharing a few words with someone else. We got the help of two of our friends and they starred in our video. It is called The Date Room and is about a blind date that is not very successful! We hope you enjoy :)

4. My Shot Library

I worked with Tammy and Kaisey to create a shot library. It is a collection of different shots and editing techniques put together to make a film that will help us in the future.

Here is the youtube link...

Tuesday, 8 October 2013

1. TaLK Productions

TaLK Productions is the name of the group I am in with Tammy and Kaisey. We created it by fusing our initials together, it is simple but creative and we really like our choice.

Kaisey made our company logo... it's so cool!

Monday, 7 October 2013

First Blog!

Hello, and welcome to my AS Media Blog! My name is Lauren and at the moment I am working on my Prelim task with Tammy and Kaisey. We are working under the name TaLK Productions at the moment and I hope you like the work we produce in the future :)