Wednesday, 22 January 2014

29. Rough Edit

We have a lot still to do, like the opening titles and smoothing out some rough edges, as well as still having to make our production company ident. At the moment we have just put our company name, but that will be changing.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014

29. Editing Process

We edited using Song Movie Studio Platinum 12.0. We have yet to include the titles and we are still in the process of making our production company's ident, however, here are some images of the video in the making...

Saturday, 18 January 2014

28. Shoot Our Film

We did our filming today at Aberlour House and down at Duffus park. Everyone was great and the rain managed to hold off until we were done with the filming! We've got loads off footage... time to start editing!

Friday, 17 January 2014

27. Props and Costume

Tammy and Chloe will just have to wear normal, casual clothes that will keep them warm in the cold temperatures. The same can be said for Tammy during the birthday party scene, but she will take off her coat etc. Chloe, on the other hand, will wear a pretty, girly party dress. The rest of the birthday party guests will also just wear casual clothes and so will Mrs Hopkirk.

We have bought a birthday cake and candles as well as party hats and balloons to create the party atmosphere and make the scene authentic. When we visit the park, we will bring a Frisbee with us to play with.

In the scene flashes where Tammy is in a dark room and making the MISSING poster, we will need paper, pens and a picture of Chloe. We will also need various photos of Chloe and an old teddy or doll that Tammy can hold sentimentally!


26. Casting Our Film

Justine Hopkirk plays the part of Jill Campbell, the widowed mother of two daughters.

Tamsin Matheson plays the part of Sophie Campbell, the eldest daughter and the main protagonist in the film.
Chloe Chapman plays the part of Chloe Campbell, the youngest daughter and the victim of the kidnapping in the story.

Thursday, 16 January 2014

25. Risk Assessment

Changes To Our Cast and Locations

Due to some some sudden events popping up, we have had to change our cast from what we were planning to new people. The role of the father, Joseph Campbell was originally going to be played by Jack Hoskins and will now be changed to a female role that will be played by Justine Hopkirk and her character's name with be Jill Campbell. As a result of this, the story will change in the sense that the roles of mother and father will be switched but no further changes will be made to their parts. Also, the part of the younger sister, Isla Campbell, will now be played by Chloe Chapman and becasue of her young age we decided it would be easier for her to keep her name so her part will now be called Chloe Campbell.

Also, one of our locations will change. We had planned to film our birthday party scene in the Ogstoun Theatre at school but we will now be filming in the common room of Aberlour House, our junior school, and using some of the younger students as guests at Chloe's birthday party.

The remainder of the film will still be shot in the Duffus Park...